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Come and learn about radical hospitality that is nurturing and supportive to persons with dementia and those who share their journey.  Hear about easy ways to improve communication, stay in the present and strengthen our interdependent relationships.  As a congregation committed to valuing and including everyone we must continue to grow and develop our understanding of those who are among us. 

Persons with dementia are best supported by people who are dementia aware.  Rev. Hilde has worked with individuals living with dementia for over 20 years.  This initial presentation will offer basic information about the relationship between dementia, person-hood and spirituality. 

Join us Sunday, February 4, 2018, at 12:15 pm, after Worship and a light lunch, at our Murrayville location. Lunch, by donation, will be hosted by the Pastoral Care Network, with proceeds going to Prayer Shawl ministry, to purchase yarn for prayer shawls.