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Greetings to The United Churches of Langley

from Rev. Kenneth C. Haugk, Ph.D.
Founder & Executive Director of Stephen Ministry

Over the years, I’ve talked with many pastors and lay leaders about Stephen Ministry—a one-to-one lay caring ministry used in over 12,000 congregations worldwide. Someone recently asked me, “If you were to say what Stephen Ministry is in a nutshell, what would you say?”

Here’s how I answered:

“In a nutshell, Stephen Ministry is
Christ Caring for People through People.”

Stephen Ministry gives congregations a practical and effective way to equip people as Stephen Ministers—laypeople who share Christ’s healing love with those who are hurting in the congregation and community.

As a result:

People receive the care they need.
Those going through challenges in life are connected with a Stephen Minister, who listens, cares, prays, and embodies Christ’s presence.
Laypeople use their gifts in meaningful ways.
Stephen Ministers experience deep joy and tremendous growth as they see God at work in and through them to touch people’s lives.
Pastors no longer bear the caring ministry load alone.
They know that members are bearing one another’s burdens, deepening and expanding their congregation’s caring ministry.

All three groups—hurting people, Stephen Ministers, and pastors—experience Christ caring for people through people in a tangible, powerful way.

To learn more about Stephen Ministry here at UCoL, and to find out how you can get involved talk to one of our Stephen Leaders: Gloria & Ron Kinley, Mary Kydd, Elaine Pokorny, or Rev. Karen.