"In Jesus Christ there is neither Gentile nor Jew, slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ" (Gal. 3:28). Our scripture readings today reflect upon the question: who is our neighbour? Who is welcome into the fold? What laws must you obey to follow Christ?

After service today, we will vote on whether or not UCoL will join Affirm United/S'Affirm Ensemble. Joining Affirm would help us to more fully, publically, intentionally, and explicitly welcome and embrace members of the LGBTQAI2S+ community into our fold. 

Scripture repeatedly demonstrates Jesus and his followers drawing the circle wide, and then drawing it wider still. Time and again we are taught that that all are welcome. 

Christ taught us to welcome all at our open table, and we are glad to have wonderful YOU here with us as well! Welcome to worship with United Churches of Langley. Come in and sit down, as you are a part of the family.